The Saddleview Community...
Who Are We
Where Are We
What We Believe
Simple Church Gatherings
Life Transformation Gatherings
Links, Pictures & other info.



We like to think of Saddleview as a network of Simple Churches,rather than a location or building.
These smaller Simple Churches gather in homes and other places throughout Mosgiel and Dunedin, but share common values and beliefs.
Explore the site and discover more about us!
For Saddleview information:
Saddleview CCC
PO Box 319
Mosgiel, Dunedin
John & Liz Murray
(03) 4811156

Helping people make sense of this life while preparing for eternity!

Mosgiel, Dunedin - New Zealand
Please get in touch to offer comments and join our mailing list!

You can e-mail us at:

Saddleview Community is a network of simple church gatherings that meet  throughout the week in various places at various times.